Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ristorante Da Pancrazio-Dine Where Caesar Met His End

Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE in the Theater of Pompey. Today nothing of the Theater remains above ground, at least, nothing beyond a hint in the curve of the street where buildings were erected on the remains of the theater. But go below ground and you will be amazed. If you care to mix sightseeing with dinner (and who doesn't?) try Ristorante da Pancrazio near the Campo dei Fiori (Piazza del Biscione 92). The menu is classic Roman (carbonara, amatriciana, artichokes, antipasti) and the setting is Classical Roman, with one of its dining rooms nestled right into the ancient theater's alcoves. Be sure to make a reservation requesting a table in the theater ruins. The restaurant is closed on Wednesdays.

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