Rome is a city meant to be seen on foot. Unlike many other grand European cities, Rome's layout was not planned. Ancient Rome developed "organically"-as small separate settlements on hills that eventually merged together. During the Renaissance the Romans did very little to change the layout of their city, and to this day many of the streets follow the ancient topography. Many of Rome's greatest sites are inaccessible by car, necessitating good walking shoes, a good map, and the expectation that
you will get lost. But don't worry. With
City Walks: Rome getting lost is the point. This set of 50 double-sided notecards is ingenious. One side of each card contains a list of must-see sights, cafes and shopping in a particular neighborhood. The other side depicts a map of that neighborhood with a recommended walking route. The cards are all linked so that one picks up where another leaves off. You can take 4 or 5 with you for the day and see all sorts of famous sites-and a few unexpected marvels on the way!
City Walks:Rome
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