Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dine as the Romans Do

There's nothing more disappointing than going out to eat in Italy and finding yourself surrounded by Americans! There's a reason this happens-they are all reading the same American guidebooks. The New York Times Magazine recently featured two Italian guidebooks that will bring you to the best restaurants in town. The menus at these restaurants will not be written in English, but you will certainly have an authentic experience. The two guidebooks highlighted are Osterie d'Italia, the guidebook published by Slow Food Italy, and Ristoranti d'Italia del Gambero Rosso. The Slow Food movement advocates for organic food, seasonal produce, and traditional cooking methods. The Gambero Rosso (Red Shrimp) Group is a publishing house in Rome akin to Gourmet, Wine Spectator, the Cooking Channel and Zagat all in one. You can register on-line to access all of their recommendations or order the 2008 Gambero Rosso guidebook through their website.

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